Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Can't Sleep~!!

Now is 3.20am. So its morning d. Another new day. A new day. A new life. A day closer to final exam. A day closer to bid farewell to my Foundation course. A day closer towards my future. A day closer to say goodbye to my coursemates,college mates,BEST friends,etc. A day closer to be an adult. A day closer to be independent. A day closer to search for a new life. A day closer to my success.

Now is currently 3.28am. I reli cant slp la...!! At this time, other countries is having daytime. That warm,windy weather with the sun breeze is the most suitable day to sit on the benchwood and have a cup of tea with a bunch of girlfriends, friends or dating to gather around, gossip the latest news of our life, updating the latest celeb gossip,etc. Well, i sure hope im in that particular country at this time...

Its 3.40am d! Still cant slp. Wats wrong with me a~?! Dis few days oso like tat wan~TT~Exam pressure mayb??? Bt im still tat old lazy gal who likes to do last minute studies/work and suffer during the exam period and complains after the exam of hw tough it still that old peerson...never changed,nt abit! Except for the part that i dun like maths/stats or any calculations anymore(i used to like it b4,never knew wat happened y ive changed^^) Probably its that 'lazy worm(lan chong)' in me..hehe..Bt lazy people should slp early rite? y am i still here,blogging...haha XD...

3.50am d leh...still here...haiz...nth to write d...duno wan write jz end here lo...XD...

PS: To everyone who are going to sit for the finals,Gud Luck k..All da best~! AND if possible, those who are always lucky luck de hor...give me some of ur luck can ma~??^^ let me pass my exam wif flying colours,share ma...dun be stingy la...muahahahaha~~~~~

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Yoo Ye Eun~the next Mozart~!!

I've found out wats da name of da blind gal who plays the piano(frm previous blog) is..YOO YE EUN~!! Yeah~!!
Check out dis link:

She's 5 year old,and starts playing piano at the age of 3! [OMG!] She's reli a genuis+talented gal!! I hope+wish tat she could 'walk out from the world of darkness' and get to see the beauty of this world~

To: YooYe Eun, God Bless You Always...