Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I wish......

I wish i could b a happy-go-lucky girl like i used to say i am~
I wish i could have a life like everyone has~
I wish i could apprecite the chances given~
I wish i could have better chances~
I wish i could improve in anything tat im doing~
I wish i could see through people's minds and thoughts~
I wish...I wish...I wish...~

****Its jz tat, dis few weeks i had been in a real 'war' .With all those assignments and tests,for the first time, i actuali fell sick,i didn't thought tat such thing could happen...jz bcz i was doing all those assignments...I tot my body vry strong wan, cz i seldom sick,wat happen to me??haiz~

Sometimes, i've tot of giving up,stop studying, stop persuing,stop everything..! i cant take it, when i c my friends around me r getting on with their life,not giving up, it actuali does pushes me to get my work done.. :) Even though i seldom depend on myself on getting things done(if u noe wat im saying);) but im now learning to deal it with my own. Although sometimes i may cry alone at night, but those tears pushes me to the 'top'. Although sometimes i fall down alone, but i tend to learn to stand up again by myself. There are even times that when i'm feeling down. I learned to be strong and wont let a tear roll down on my cheeks and affect me. This is because, i wana b tat person who people c me as a strong young girl.^^. Never affraid of anything.*****