Nowadays, you can see many blogs that features about fashion,reviews of products,personal life, etc. You just name it.

♫ ♫ ~~~LifE iS liKe a pIano...WhiTe keYs rEprESentS hAppy moMeNts&BlaCk kEys rEpreSents sAd MomeNtS...bUt wHen bOth kEys Are plAyed tOgetHer,tHerE wiLl bE sWeet mOmeNts~~~♫ ♫
Nowadays, you can see many blogs that features about fashion,reviews of products,personal life, etc. You just name it.
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 4:25 AM 0 comments
To: A Malay guy in Puchong Perdana!!
FUCK YOU and i'll pray that you go to HELL!!!!
Die in the most torturous way and is banished from this world once and for all!!!!
PS: I'm so stupid that i didn't call the police or even jot down his motor plate number!!! DAMN ME!!!
PSS: I wish that u will be knocked by a car TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 12:11 AM 0 comments