Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Its been days im having problem with my internet connection....but at last can on9 d....!!! Phew~!

Ever since i started my degree programme, life's been reli hectic with all the piled up assignments and tests. There were even days of sleepless nights where i didn't slp at all.

So, after studying for a semester in Marketing, im starting to fear that i cant cope. Everything is like super hard for me and im like the 'super slow turtle who cant overtake anyone'. How stupid i am~! yea~im a god damn super slow learner..!! jz like a turtle which cant learn how to walk faster~!! argh!!!!!

Im starting to hate being 'me'. I dont like turtles, but i compare myself with them. I like MKT, but i have no interest. OMG,WTH am i talking about....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This few days, im damn mad at myself...!! I cant even think properly. Everything is like about what i feel like doing, not what i wanna do. My emotions and mood are not constant. I usually feel vry moody. And bcz of this, going to clsses everyday has been like going to hell. I need to drag myself out of bed and to for classes. I didnt want to miss classes bcz i cant bare to miss anymore, or else im gonna to b barred frm my finals. Haiz.......whats more to complain if im still complaining about

PS: To my frns, if dis few days i didnt seem like 'choi' u all, i apologize ya~! Im just not in a vry good mood. I didnt talk much is becuz i can feel tat if i start to open my mouth, mayb i'll be talking 'angrily', I feel like wanting to scold ppl. So, "Im Sorry~".


JoeanneWLV said...

Hey dear... Be strong ya... Sometimes just get some time to understand the subject.. U'll find it fun, especially marketing... =)

~~*Ling Ling*~~ said...

Hehe.ok. i'll try...=)
u oso ya...+U in ur working life..!!