Monday, September 7, 2009

Full House@Ara Damansara

Since today was a public holiday. So me, JieJie and Penny decided to go to Full House. It is located at Ara Damansara, Nui Zhe Xui. ^^.
It took us around 2 hours to reach~yea~2 f***king hours!!!! damn noob la 3 of us~got GPS oso no use...swt =="~ Keep on turning to the wrong way....But, in the end, we still made it! Haha~!!
The moment we step in Full House, it was reli full of so-called 'gu dong'(old stuff)~the phone, the car, the deco,etc...everthing was reli classic+cute. Hehe~~
Hmm....Oh well. Im quite tired now. Had two 'active' days in one row...Go here go there...haha...So i think i'll leave it to the pics to tell the rest of it...Goodnight+Bye~

Even their menu is so cute~!^^


shirly829 said...

haha~u r rite,got gps also no use><
but finally we r reach ya^^
lucky only spent 3hours haha(XD)
but enjoyable all the way(^.^)

~~*Ling Ling*~~ said...

wah....still wan say meh...reli ==" lo....XD