Din update for some time ady. Been so lazy to do so. Haha~
Anyway, i just cant wait for CNY! But b4 tat, assignments 1st! haix~
2 assignemtns due in less than 3 weeks. Damn!
I've become more and more lazy. Probably is that i am not in the mood or so...
I dont know...
Well, i think i need to list down the things i need to b4 CNY.
OK, here's the list:
1) Assignments
2) Tidy room
3) Shopping
So, yea. I think thats it. Gotta get it done in 2 weeks.
I think i can make it~
Its not that much...
I think....
I've got 2 assignments to finish up.
My room is really in a HUGE mess right now....)
Can i finish my shopping in less than 2 days?
But i really hope i can finish doing it up not till the last minute.
"+U la Ling~"
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