Nowadays, you can see many blogs that features about fashion,reviews of products,personal life, etc. You just name it.

♫ ♫ ~~~LifE iS liKe a pIano...WhiTe keYs rEprESentS hAppy moMeNts&BlaCk kEys rEpreSents sAd MomeNtS...bUt wHen bOth kEys Are plAyed tOgetHer,tHerE wiLl bE sWeet mOmeNts~~~♫ ♫
Nowadays, you can see many blogs that features about fashion,reviews of products,personal life, etc. You just name it.
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 4:25 AM 0 comments
To: A Malay guy in Puchong Perdana!!
FUCK YOU and i'll pray that you go to HELL!!!!
Die in the most torturous way and is banished from this world once and for all!!!!
PS: I'm so stupid that i didn't call the police or even jot down his motor plate number!!! DAMN ME!!!
PSS: I wish that u will be knocked by a car TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 12:11 AM 0 comments
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 1:36 AM 0 comments
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 7:18 AM 0 comments
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 3:32 AM 1 comments
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 8:47 AM 0 comments
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 7:16 AM 0 comments
WAT THE FUCK!!! my things in my pen drive ALL GONE d!!!! how?!!! reli speechless la now....i wana cry la...!!!! but duno y canot cry out...!!! i reli reli reli reli wana cry!!!!! all my assignments...those IMPORTANT STUFF!!! ALL DISSAPEAR!!! ALL GONE!!! TTTTTTTTTT
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 6:52 AM 0 comments
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education:
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 9:39 AM 2 comments
I am really very tired d...
I am very mad at myself...
I am angry that I'm born to this world...
I am selfish...
I am frustrated...
I am easily distracted...
I am lazy...
I am stupid...
I am probably the world's most unwanted person...
I am unhappy...
I hate myself...
I wish to have a shoulder to cry on...
I wish to reborn again and start a whole new life...
I wish to have what I want...
I wish that there is someone that understand and know what I'm thinking...
I wish that I do not have to say every word out just to get what I want...
I wish that there are more people to support me...
I wish that I did not fall in the beginning...
I wish that I am as strong as I think I am...
I wish that I do not have to serve everyone...
I wish that I do not have to layan the people that I don't wana layan wan...
I wish that I had a good beginning, so that I won't have a bad/sad ending...
I wish that I can have better things than what I'm having now...
I wish that I have more air to breath...
But somehow..........
I am grateful that I am able to see the world...
I am grateful that I am able to have feelings...
I am grateful to have senses...
I am grateful that I have passed through the tough times...
I am grateful that I am able to learn things through hard times...
I am grateful that I am still young...
I am grateful that I have dreams...
No matter how..........
I am a human...
I have a family...
I have friends...
I am Tan Yan Ling~
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 10:04 AM 2 comments
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Even their menu is so cute~!^^
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 8:56 AM 2 comments
End the day with an ice cream~!=)
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 3:16 PM 0 comments
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 10:11 AM 1 comments
Friends 4ever ya~!
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 8:13 AM 1 comments
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 4:41 PM 0 comments
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 2:10 AM 0 comments
Its been days im having problem with my internet connection....but at last can on9 d....!!! Phew~!
Ever since i started my degree programme, life's been reli hectic with all the piled up assignments and tests. There were even days of sleepless nights where i didn't slp at all.
So, after studying for a semester in Marketing, im starting to fear that i cant cope. Everything is like super hard for me and im like the 'super slow turtle who cant overtake anyone'. How stupid i am~! yea~im a god damn super slow learner..!! jz like a turtle which cant learn how to walk faster~!! argh!!!!!
Im starting to hate being 'me'. I dont like turtles, but i compare myself with them. I like MKT, but i have no interest. OMG,WTH am i talking about....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This few days, im damn mad at myself...!! I cant even think properly. Everything is like about what i feel like doing, not what i wanna do. My emotions and mood are not constant. I usually feel vry moody. And bcz of this, going to clsses everyday has been like going to hell. I need to drag myself out of bed and to for classes. I didnt want to miss classes bcz i cant bare to miss anymore, or else im gonna to b barred frm my finals. Haiz.......whats more to complain if im still complaining about
PS: To my frns, if dis few days i didnt seem like 'choi' u all, i apologize ya~! Im just not in a vry good mood. I didnt talk much is becuz i can feel tat if i start to open my mouth, mayb i'll be talking 'angrily', I feel like wanting to scold ppl. So, "Im Sorry~".
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 5:40 AM 2 comments
Good Morning...!! Its 6:15am nw...and I:
1.Didn't slp the whole nite~
2.Happi tat i 'survived' through the nite~
3.Getting ready to go to school nw~!
4.I had the worst coffee ever few minutes ago...
5.Hope tat i'll be having a good day 2day~
6.Managed to watched a few movies tat i was wanting to watch jz nw...
7.I like saying 'xoxo' to every1...
8.I think im losing my mind rite nw...(i think its due to the bad coffee..i duno,smth i kinda wrong with me rite nw...)
9.I feel crazy nw...
10.I wish to do this again...XD
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 3:13 PM 0 comments
Damn it! MKT assignment hvnt finish leh~cannot sleep...
nw is....2:43am...still got...6 hours to my so dead la~!
Actually today i should present wan..
but my slides and infos were all wrong..!! so i switched place with my i was the lucky number 10, instead of the stupid, unlucky, scary number 4!!!
But before swapping place, i has damn nervous...nervous until feel like wana vomit..and i hvnt ate anything the whole day~haiz...PLUS,the lecturer was like saying the others slides wrong and this and that...make me somemore nervous...this was also the reason of why my classmate willing to switch place with me...Thnx Thnx!!! =)
Today, after clz, after those presentations, while i was driving home, i came to start thinking on whether i have choose the right course onot...i start to think/feel tat im not capable enough to do/or to continue this was all bcz of tat presentation...make me think like tat...but i must admit...for is kinda tough...this MKT 222 subject...haiz...
On the way home, i start tot think of considering to take bck my Mass Com course...haiz...this was the course tat i've always wanted to take...!!! Bt on the other hand, Marketing oso not bad question is..: Am I capable of doing it? Despite on whether it is presently or in the future??
There are main 4 courses that I wish to take:
2)Mass Com
To say the truth, i still duno where im heading...i seem to cant see my still in a blurish situation...haiz...
PS:U can call me a blur person, but dun call me a person with no future~
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Bumbu Bali's Chicken n FishSunshine Beer*Nice name with nice taste!*
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 9:20 AM 0 comments
I wish i could b a happy-go-lucky girl like i used to say i am~
I wish i could have a life like everyone has~
I wish i could apprecite the chances given~
I wish i could have better chances~
I wish i could improve in anything tat im doing~
I wish i could see through people's minds and thoughts~
I wish...I wish...I wish...~
****Its jz tat, dis few weeks i had been in a real 'war' .With all those assignments and tests,for the first time, i actuali fell sick,i didn't thought tat such thing could happen...jz bcz i was doing all those assignments...I tot my body vry strong wan, cz i seldom sick,wat happen to me??haiz~
Sometimes, i've tot of giving up,stop studying, stop persuing,stop everything..! i cant take it, when i c my friends around me r getting on with their life,not giving up, it actuali does pushes me to get my work done.. :) Even though i seldom depend on myself on getting things done(if u noe wat im saying);) but im now learning to deal it with my own. Although sometimes i may cry alone at night, but those tears pushes me to the 'top'. Although sometimes i fall down alone, but i tend to learn to stand up again by myself. There are even times that when i'm feeling down. I learned to be strong and wont let a tear roll down on my cheeks and affect me. This is because, i wana b tat person who people c me as a strong young girl.^^. Never affraid of anything.*****
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 6:14 AM 0 comments
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Now is 3.20am. So its morning d. Another new day. A new day. A new life. A day closer to final exam. A day closer to bid farewell to my Foundation course. A day closer towards my future. A day closer to say goodbye to my coursemates,college mates,BEST friends,etc. A day closer to be an adult. A day closer to be independent. A day closer to search for a new life. A day closer to my success.
Now is currently 3.28am. I reli cant slp la...!! At this time, other countries is having daytime. That warm,windy weather with the sun breeze is the most suitable day to sit on the benchwood and have a cup of tea with a bunch of girlfriends, friends or dating to gather around, gossip the latest news of our life, updating the latest celeb gossip,etc. Well, i sure hope im in that particular country at this time...
Its 3.40am d! Still cant slp. Wats wrong with me a~?! Dis few days oso like tat wan~TT~Exam pressure mayb??? Bt im still tat old lazy gal who likes to do last minute studies/work and suffer during the exam period and complains after the exam of hw tough it still that old peerson...never changed,nt abit! Except for the part that i dun like maths/stats or any calculations anymore(i used to like it b4,never knew wat happened y ive changed^^) Probably its that 'lazy worm(lan chong)' in me..hehe..Bt lazy people should slp early rite? y am i still here,blogging...haha XD...
3.50am d leh...still here...haiz...nth to write d...duno wan write jz end here lo...XD...
PS: To everyone who are going to sit for the finals,Gud Luck k..All da best~! AND if possible, those who are always lucky luck de hor...give me some of ur luck can ma~??^^ let me pass my exam wif flying colours,share ma...dun be stingy la...muahahahaha~~~~~
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 12:20 PM 3 comments
I've found out wats da name of da blind gal who plays the piano(frm previous blog) is..YOO YE EUN~!! Yeah~!!
Check out dis link:
She's 5 year old,and starts playing piano at the age of 3! [OMG!] She's reli a genuis+talented gal!! I hope+wish tat she could 'walk out from the world of darkness' and get to see the beauty of this world~
To: YooYe Eun, God Bless You Always...
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 4:03 AM 1 comments
Haiz..canot slp for many days d leh~~Shi mian a!!!
Wan slp oso canot..lie on bed..2 eyes open big big..~~haiz~~
Chinese: 'ping shi mei you hei yuan quan de wo..jing ran ying wei zhe ji tian mei shui hao er you! Qi Si Wo La!!'
Last few nites is bcz gt tests and assignments to do..
Yesterday is bcz 'fanz' about smth canot slp..5am smth ni slp..den duno y 9am smth wake up AUTOMATICALLY! Usually go to college for classes oso canot wake up, NOT AUTOMATICALLY somemore,gt alarm clock oso canot...=.=" duno wat happen..oni slp for few hours can wake up..haiz..reli gt problem with my slping~~@@ nt so sure y..paiseh..
since canot slp den i ma on9 lo..on9 den saw my lou yao on9 oso find her la~^^~She was watching movie on UTube..den she sent me some vids tat she is watching..mostly is about 'young geniuses with amazing talent'(at least tats wat i would call them)hehe..
Well..1 of da vid tat she sent me reli touching de lo~i watch d oso cried~*touched*~true tallent!
its actually a small gal who is blind and plays piano(the next Mozart maybe?)+a talented young gal who is gud in singing..her name: Connie Talbot
I'll jz paste da link here and..I BEG U GUYS TO WATCH IT!!..
Hope tat eveyone tat c's dis would be as inspired and feel proud for them as i am!^^
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 12:05 PM 2 comments
2009 is a new year for me, thus, reading articles on horoscope, (mua is Scorpio o^^) would maybe help me to to kick start my year and ahead.
I'm a person who blif on these kinda of things d(feng shui, the power of christals,etc),bt nt tat much plz, dun c me as a weirdo~blek~these things smth does still, it depends on each person on whether to blif it onot...
Anyway, here is a web that I find it interesting (bt its in Chinese though), cz i lazy to copy&paste it ya~here's da website: :P
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 7:33 AM 0 comments