To: Time
Hi there, my life is kinda 'blur' right now, or can say that I'M blur. Sometimes i dont even know what should i do to make things right or what is wrong or right. I really need more time from you to help me get out of ugly situations. I need to get the EXACT timing to figure out how am i gonna give a good and clear explanation that everyone could accept it and would understand. All i need is to have more time. I dont wish others would think that i am naive and stupid enough to have done it or i have not done good enough for them. All i've ever wanted is just more time but with the exact, perfect timing happening all at the same time. So that i wont be misunderstood for what i've did and done.
Thank you.
From: Ling
Saturday, April 24, 2010
To Time, From Me
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Young folks
OK. Stop with all the complaining.
Well, i just read someone's blog and found this reli interesting post that i wana share. So here it is. Happy reading!
"Do you still remember the first crush you ever had on someone?All those silly things you used to do to make that little boy notice you?And all the tingles you get in your stomach when he smiled at you?
There was this song I heard on the radio, this fourteen/ fifteen year old boy singing about his "true love", and that she was his life.
I sure had a good laugh,
I mean, come on!
What does a fourteen year old boy possibly know about love?!
But now that I think of it,
I'm sure all of us had that phase we go through when we were young.
We had so little worries when we were young, but at that time, it felt like it was between life and death to know if that little crush of yours felt the same. And if you knew he did, it felt like winning a big lottery!
We thought we knew everything about being in love.
Well, I remember when I was young, I had crushes on so many different boys, I used to think and kind of rank them in order of how strong my crush was.
And I actually remember most of them. Haha! Well thats how a mind of an eleven year old works."
So, there! Interesting right?! The last part totally reminds me of those sweet old times. I did the same thing too! Ranking how strong my crush was. Haha!!
Well, what can you say?! Its good to be young right?! Young couples are cute!!
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Assignments are chasing me...
I wanna run, but time is eating me up...
I know i should not be complaining...
But how can i not?!
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 5, 2010
I Love Mua Mummy~!
Luckily i have her...
Luckily she is my mummy...
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 10:25 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 22, 2010
Random post
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 9:22 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 4, 2010
1st day of college...
Hmm...what should i say....??
Met some of my ex-classmates after 2 months of holiday...
Engel went to college with me to enrol for this semester. Then we went to sunway to watch Avatar. Haha...At last can watch d! I'll be sure to regret if i hadn't watched it.
However, there was one hillarious moment where we had shop til we forgot the starting time of our movie. Hahaha~
Later, we shop till the shops closed and went for dinner.
There. My first day of college life. Not really something i've pictured. I though i'll be hanging out with my college mates. But turns out to be totally different. Oh well, there are few more months to come. And now is still the beginning of the year~So there's plenty of time. =)
Oh ya...PLUS. My timetable for this semester really suck!! ARGH!!! And i think i wil be the only one or the few among the few people who are in a different class due to some classes that are already full. So gotta go other class..Haiz...Quite sad actually...
But, i still hope to meet new mates and all. And i 100% 100% HOPE i wont be in a class where those people are not-so-nice.
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 3, 2010
December post
Hi all, 1st and foremost....Happy 2010!!
So long didn't blog ady, and yet there are quite a few spamers that say those disgusting and awful things in my blog...!! ARGH!! HATE u guys!!! Duno where they got to find out bout my blog....hmph!
2nd: Christmas is a joyful event. So this Xmas, went to Genting with my best friends. It was actually a last minute decision. However, that day was also the 1st time i went in to a Casino!!! hahaha!!! No need wait till 21 years old. XD.I know its not something big for some, but it is for me.Cuz 1st time leh...kakaka~After going in to a casino, it actually occurred to me that its just a place for gambling. Its just not something that i imagined before...hmmm....vry hard to explain....But oh well! So there i a Casino for the very 1st time...hehe~
3rd: Since Christmas is a joyful event, then New Year eve is an 'refreshment' event. Y i said so? Its bucz a whole new year is coming. Ppl tend to start their New Year resolutions, to start their mission for a new year. But some ppl may also see this day of the year as a refreshment of their memory. Look back what they had accomplished so far in 2009. Think back what event of the year is worth remembering.
Well, for me, if i had a choice, i dont wish to think back, i would rather like to think forward to 2010! Anyways, this year, went to The Curve for countdown and celebrated at Laundry and TGIF. ^^ . All thanks to my girls for going through New Year's day with me...muakz!
My 2010 resolutions would be:
1. to get better grades in exams
2. to start an online business
3. not to spend too much money (and learn to save money!!!)
4. slim down!!
5. learn about self control on all aspects. =)
Happy 2010 folks! =)
-Wish every1 best of luck in 2010-
Posted by ~~*Ling Ling*~~ at 7:32 AM 0 comments